OEF - One Eleuthera Foundation
OEF stands for One Eleuthera Foundation
Here you will find, what does OEF stand for in Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate One Eleuthera Foundation? One Eleuthera Foundation can be abbreviated as OEF What does OEF stand for? OEF stands for One Eleuthera Foundation. What does One Eleuthera Foundation mean?One Eleuthera Foundation is an expansion of OEF
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Alternative definitions of OEF
- Operation Enduring Freedom
- Operation Enduring Freedom
- Operation Enduring Freedom
- Oregon Entrepreneurs Forum
- Ontario Equestrian Federation
- Oxford Economic Forecasting, Ltd.
- Open ECDIS Forum
- Olimpíada Española de Física
View 25 other definitions of OEF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- OEM Oregon Emergency Management
- OVB Ocean View Builders
- OFC Office Furniture Concepts
- OMGI Operative Media Group Inc
- OEM Owl Eyes Magazine
- OPP Own Particular Projects
- OCD Oshkosh Corrections Dept
- OGS One Globe Studio
- OAC Outdoor Adventure Club
- OGIL OG International Ltd
- OADL The Oxford Artisan Distillery Ltd
- OOAPL Opus One Architects Private Limited
- OKF Oakland Kids First
- OSS Open Source Solutions
- OCP Olympia Compounding Pharmacy
- ODCL Other Dimension Computers Ltd
- OCIC Ottawa County Improvement Corporation
- OFSSPD OFS Specialty Photonics Division
- OBG Optima Benefits Group
- OML Osborn Metals Limited